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A Rare Glimpse: Taharat Ha'Mishpacha's Snow Collection Operation|23/05/2023
One morning in Iyar 5783 A large team from the Taharat Ha'Mishpacha field staff ascends to the top of Mount Hermon The team is comprised of Rabbanim, logistics staff and workers.
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Ladies event in London|02/08/2022
Rabanit YEMIMA MIZRACHI in a riveting evening.
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After many decades: A luxurious mikvah is inaugurated in Moshav Eitan|25/04/2022
After several years when the mikvah in the community was out of commission, a beautiful and luxurious new mikvah was dedicated for the use of the women of Moshav Eitan.
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Thanks to special efforts, 3 new women’s mikvahs opened just before Passover|14/04/2022
In recent weeks, we made a special effort to complete the construction of three mikvahs so that women would be able to receive the holiday in a happier and more exultant mood.
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After tens of years: A magnificent mikvah has been inaugurated in Moshav Kisalon|23/12/2021
After more than a year when the local mikvah was not usable – a magnificent mikvah was inaugurated that will be used by the women of the moshav and the surrounding localities
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The Making or Breaking of a Mitzvah|02/09/2021
The Chazon Ish zt”l: The hiddur of the mitzvah of mikveh is the beauty of the facility itself!
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The astonishing miracle of the Churi family|22/03/2021
Watch the effects of a life-changing piece of advice! View the moving video!
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Is Taharat Hamashpacha only for religious Women? Definitely Not!!|01/09/2020
Most women, even irreligious women, go to the Mikvah every month. In Israel, a kosher local Mikvah is not a self-understood amenity.
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New Mikvah in Carmei Katif: "Enjoy a pampering experience."|30/07/2020
Fifteen years after the disengagement, a new mikvah has been inaugurated for the women of Carmei Katif. Mikvah attendant, Rebbetzin Leah Vizonsky, continues her role, one that she has since her days in the former Gaza Strip. Channel 7.
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The city of Rechovot experiences rejuvenation – through the brand-new luxurious Mikvah Bar Ilan. |23/06/2020
Inauguration of the new Bar Ilan Mikvah celebrated in Rechovot.
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Corona Hotline|20/04/2020
During the corona crisis, the Corona Hotline of the National Center for Family Purity is working round the clock for you.
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A Mikvah that is not kosher is not a Mikvah!!|12/02/2020
We are cautious about the kashrus of food products, but kashrus of Mikvahs, which is punishable by kareis, gets pushed to the back of our collective consciousness!
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The Special Bracha|02/02/2020
Maran Sar Ha’Torah, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Shlit”a giving a special Bracha to donors of “Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha.”
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