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Kfar Pines is a yishuv in Central Israel which was established by immigrants in 1933. Its current mikvah was built decades ago and is extremely old, small and hardly usuable. 

Kfar Pines is the only religious settlement in the area. There are many neighboring secular kibbutzim which have no other mikvah in the vicinty.

In addition, here in Israel even fully secular kallahs must use the mikva in order to register for legal marriage. Currently, there is nowhere to refer kallahs to in the entire area.
The religious municipality has turned to Merkaz L'taharat Ha'Mishpacha to solve this urgent need. 
A kallah's positive first experience has the power to determine if it will be a her first or last time using the mikvah!!

Due to these constraints, Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha is currently working to construct a modernized state-of-the-art mikvah that will cater to the needs of the residents and enable hundreds of families to keep the mitzvah of taharas hamishpacha with ease and convenience.
This new mikvah will increase tahara in the entire area!

We have taken upon ourselves together to raise the sums needed to sponser the "Boor" - Tvila room of this mikvah as a zchus for our dear brother and sister.

With your support, we can affect real change and bring tahara to more families in Eretz Yisrael.


place location: Northern Sharon Area
house Number of residents:  1115
house Affiliation: Modern Orthodox
Project cost: