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Kerem Shalom is a kibbutz close to the Rafiach crossing near the Egyptian border.

It was named in honor of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.. It is the most western settlement in all of Israel. The kibbutz was established as a secular settlement.

In 2017 a few Modern-Orthodox families moved to Kerem Shalom, and the religious community has since grown. Kerem Shalom has never had a mikvah, and it is imperative that the mikvah to be built  quickly.

There has been a general spiritual awakening among the original families of the kibbutz. They want a mikvah to service the women of the settlement.

his project will not receive any government funding, and the Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha must raise the complete funding to build this mikvah. We are asking the public to contribute to this worthy cause. 

place location: Near the Gaza Strip
house Number of residents:  220
house Affiliation: Secular and Modern Orthodox
Project cost: