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Beit Gamliel was founded in 1949 and is populated by a traditional Modern-Orthodox community in the southern part of Israel under the jurisdiction of the regional council of Chevel Yavne. The Moshav is located between Rechovot and Yavne. With time, Beit Gamliel expanded and is now a community of over one thousand residents To- date, there is NO Mikvah worthy of use in the community. 

Building a Mikvah in Beit Gamliel is of utmost importance because the old Mikvah is unusable. The closest Kosher Mikvah necessitates traveling and is the main reason preventing the women of the Moshav from using a Mikvah during the week and especially Shabbos and Yom-Tov. An ultra-modern new Mikvah will also be used by neighboring Moshavim who have residents that would keep Taharat Ha’Mishpacha if a pampering experience was available.

An ultra-modern new Mikvah will also be used by neighboring Moshavim who have residents that would keep Taharat Ha’Mishpacha if a pampering experience was available.

place location: South
house Number of residents:  350
Project cost:
The amount required for the project Mikvah Beit Gamliel: