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The current mikvah in the Eshlim Beit Shemesh neighborhood is located in a secular area and is outdated. It no longer meets the needs of local women. In recent years, the number of women using the facility has significantly declined due to its unappealing condition.

Substantial funding from the local government is available; however, due to the need to enlarge the mikvah and add a special luxurious bridal suite for brides using the mikvah before their wedding, where brides can celebrate their mikvah visit with dignity and joy, the local funding is insufficient.

The renovation will include four spacious, modernized preparation rooms, with new infrastructure to ensure that each woman has a pleasant, high-quality experience.


place location: Northwest Beit Shemesh
house Number of residents:  10000
house Affiliation: Secular
Project cost:
Choose to partake in part of the project as a zechot/commemoration for your loved ones: