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Kinneret is a Jewish rural settlement located on the southwestern shore of the Kinneret. The settlement was founded in1908 and named after the lake in whose proximity it is located.

The settlement is called Moshavet Kinneret to differentiate it from other settlements to the south using the Kinneret name.

Recently there has been an expansion of residents, and the trend of families looking to call Moshavet Kinneret home is growing.

Kinneret has existed for one hundred fourteen years and has never had a kosher Mikvah in its proximity. 

Recently, dozens of families in Kinneret approached the local council requesting that the council build a kosher mikvah. The council allocated a plot of land and appealed to Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha to undertake the construction of a kosher facility.

Bezrat Hashem, a beautiful, luxurious modern mikvah, will be built. The new premises will profoundly affect the families of Kinneret and undoubtedly increase the amount of purity in the village.

place location: North – near the Kinneret lake
house Number of residents:  710
house Affiliation: Secular,Traditional and Modern Orthodox
Project cost: