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Projects under construction

Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha 24 hour round the clock activities to build and renovate and Mikvahs in Eretz Yisroel. Here you can" tour" the vast range of our activities.
The full list

Activities of Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha

Construction of new Mikvahs
Renovation of existing Mikvahs
Kashrus supervision of Mikvahs
Education and public relations

5779 in numbers – Your Credit

13Mikvahs constructed and renovated
31Mikvahs under construction or renovation
728Mikvahs inspected and certified kosher
1,078Mikvahs repaired and reinstated as kosher
913Mikvahs inspected to insure the Halachic status
1733Mikvah hotline for inquiries and maintenance concerns

Interested in finding out more about family purity?

Tidbits and information that you might not know

Past and Present founders and Directors of Merkaz L'Taharat Ha'Mishpacha

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